Meet The Technical Team
Principal Field Geologist
Mike Kilbourne, P.Geo
Having been on the former Warrior Gold technical team, Mr. Kilbourne graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 1985 with an Honours BSc. in Geology. His first field season was in 1980, representing over 40 years in the industry. Mr. Kilbourne’s career has involved holding various executive positions for junior resource companies, gold production geologist for open pit, underground bulk and narrow vein mining, and long term mine planning for the 10+ simultaneous US aggregate operations. He has supervised and managed over 150,000 meters of diamond drilling in Archean precious and base metal projects. Recent work for a private firm included generating over 700 exploration targets across North America and Mexico.
Senior Geologist
Drake Hyden
Drake Hyden holds a H.BSc. In Earth and Environmental Sciences from Carleton University, Ottawa Canada. His MSc. project is focused on determining the structural controls on high-grade gold mineralization at Gold Terra Resources Corp.’s Yellowknife City Gold Project (YCGP), Northwest Territories. Drake worked as an exploration geologist with Gold Terra’s YCGP for three years. Following that, Drake worked as a project geologist for Pure Gold on the Madsen project in Red Lake, Ontario to further expand the underground resource and delineate current and future surface exploration targets. Drake continued his exploration work with Aurion Resources Ltd. and worked on all aspects of the exploration program in Finland including regional to detailed prospect scale geological and structural mapping, drill planning, core logging, QA/QC, data compilation and reporting.
Principal Technical Advisor
Sue Lomas, P.Geo.
Ms. Lomas has +30 years of experience in the exploration and mining industry. She worked in the Timmins/Kirkland Lake belt for 10 years, as a mine geologist at the Aquarius Mine and exploration geologist on the Glimmer Project, Holloway Project, and Hislop Project . Her work includes completing many geology models and mineral resource estimations on shear/narrow vein gold systems including Elk Project in British Columbia, Asacha Gold Project in Kamchatka, Russia, Julietta Mine in Russia and Meadowbank deposit in Nunavut. Her company, LGGC provides geological consulting services to mining and exploration companies, focussing on mineral resource estimations and audits, NI 43-101 Technical Reports, geological modeling, QA/QC programs, database audits.
Bill Doerner, Source One Geophysics
Mr. Doerner has 40+ years’ experience in geophysical data acquisition and interpretation for mining applications on a global basis. Experienced in interpreting EM, IP, resistivity, gravity and magnetic geophysical responses over many types of mineral occurrences including VMS deposits, porphyry systems, kimberlite pipes, IOCG systems and Carlin-type deposits. As an independent consultant, his client list includes Barrick, Vale, RTX and Teck as well as many junior exploration companies. Bill completed his BS and MS degrees at the University of Utah.
Kirkland Lake Discoveries is always looking for talented geologists who want to be involved in the discovery process.