Regional Geology and Setting
The Kirkland Lake Discoveries Corp. (KLDC) properties are hosted within the mafic volcanic-dominated Blake River Group. The Blake River Group lies in contact to the north of the Timiskaming clastic sedimentary calc alkalic intrusive package that is host to the prolific gold mining history of the Kirkland Lake camp. Structure is integral to the historic and current gold mines of Kirkland Lake. All Properties belonging to KLDC host structural deformation zones related to the infamous Larder Lake-Cadillac Deformation Zone (LLCDZ). The LLCDZ is a deep-seated crustal scale structural zone that stretches 250 km from Matachewan, Ontario to Val d’Or, Quebec and has produced nearly 100 million ounces of gold. Stretching over 53 km long north of the LLCDZ, the KLDC Property package is well positioned geologically and structurally to host a Tier 1 gold deposit.
The Goodfish-Kirana project area covers a portion of the prospective contact between the Blake River Group and the overlying clastic sediments of the Timiskaming Group and it is the companies closest land package to the LLCDZ. The Blake River mafic volcanic stratigraphy is folded and crosscut by three regional-scale deformation zones: the Kirana Deformation Zone (KDZ), a 30 m wide gold-bearing shear zone; the westward projection of the Victoria Creek Deformation Zone (VCDZ) which is the controlling structure at the Upper Beaver Deposit and the Kirkland Lake Main Break. All these structural deformation zones represent second and third-order splays from the LLCDZ and represent prime targets for KLDC’s exploration efforts.

Detailed Goodfish-Kirana Property
GOLD MODEL - Exploration is targeting shear-hosted lode gold.

KIRANA BREAK - a 2nd Order Mineralized Structure to the Larder Lake-Cadillac Deformation Zone. Gold occurs in the 2nd and 3rd order structures, in faults and in damage zones. (Modified from Frieman & Kuiper, 2019)

MINERALIZATION - Goodfish-Kirana Property
To date, gold mineralization has been discovered in the following structural settings:
2nd order, E-W trending shear zones like the KDZ that hosts the former underground developed Fidelity, Deloye, Chorzepa and Mallard gold mines.
3rd order northeast-southwest trending shear zones that host the former underground developed Jo and Mel Zones (formerly A and C Zones)
Gold mineralization in the above settings is commonly located at the contact between host units of differing physical and chemical properties, mainly quartz-feldspar porphyry (QFP) dykes and mafic volcanics. Shear zones commonly host intense Fe-carbonate, sericite and silica alteration, multiple generations of shear quartz-carbonate ± pyrite veins and multi-phase quartz-pyrite breccias. Shear zones are commonly developed along key lithological contacts and where those contacts change orientation or are dilated by other intersecting structures.
Diamond drill hole GK19-022 from 246.94 m to 263.65m downhole (Jo Zone) illustrating intense deformation and alteration.

Iron-carbonate, sericite, silicification, albitization and quartz-carbonate veining of the Jo Zone in hole GK19-022.

KLDC continues to use the most advanced exploration tools and methodology to improve the understanding of gold mineralizing systems on the Goodfish-Kirana land package through geophysics, geological and structural interpretation and geochemistry to vector the company to those targets of the highest merit and chance of success.
KLW Property
271 claims – 14,956 ha
The KLW land package is located 10 km northwest of the town of Kirkland Lake and is contiguous to the Goodfish-Kirana group of claims. The property is hosted within the mafic-volcanic dominated Blake River Group and hosts numerous northwest and north trending faults and deformation zones. This together with felsic and mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks gives the KLW land package a variety of environments conducive to orogenic gold mineralization.
The property has never previously been consolidated and therefore has seen very little systematic exploration. Historical work by prospectors in different areas throughout the property includes numerous pits and trenches at base and precious metal showings. The most recent work on the property by KLDC includes a heli-borne high-resolution airborne magnetic and LiDAR survey. A first phase prospecting and mapping program was also completed during the summer and fall of 2022. Results from this boots-on-the-ground program returned a grab sample assaying 34.7 g/t Au from a shear hosted quartz vein on the western side of the KLW land package. Five additional grab samples from this area returned anomalous gold values ranging from 1.35 g/t Au to 21.6 g/t Au.
KLDC has commenced a structural interpretation of the recent airborne magnetic-LiDAR survey integrating this with known mineral occurrences and geology in advance of a targeting and exploration planning for summer 2023.
KLC Property
131 claims – 5,566 ha
The KLC land package is the result of the consolidation of the KLC and Arnold land packages with the addition of claims staked by KLDC (formerly Warrior Gold). The consolidated property is transected by numerous regional mineralized structures including over 12 km of the Murdoch Fault (a northeast extension of the Kirkland Lake Break), a deep crustal scale deformation zone that is intimately related to the gold deposits in the Kirkland Lake gold camp.
Other prominent north-east trending deformation zones (DZ) transect the claim group, namely the Misema DZ, the Mulven DZ.
The Victoria Creek gold deposit (along the Victoria Creek DZ) lies just 250 meters south of the southern boundary of the KLC claim group and one and a half kilometres to the north and west of Agnico Eagle’s Upper Beaver deposit (1.4 Moz gold (8.0 Mt @ 5.43 g/t Au and 0.25% Cu) probable mineral reserves as of December 2020 and NI 43-101 compliant [1]) and schedule for construction in 2027.
In addition to the high-resolution heli-borne magnetic and LiDAR survey flown by KLDC in the summer of 2022, sampling and mapping efforts were concentrated along the above-mentioned faults and deformation zones. Glacial cover is thicker within large tracts of land on the KLC, making the high resolution LiDAR survey key to identifying areas of outcrop exposure. Highlights include quartz veins with tourmaline and carbonate within a strongly foliated and sericitized feldspar porphyry with 1% fine pyrite observed along the Kirkland Lake Fault.
KLDC has commenced a structural interpretation of the recent airborne magnetic-LiDAR survey integrating this with known mineral occurrences and geology in advance of a targeting and exploration planning for summer 2023.
[1] Agnico Eagles Mines Ltd., 2020 Annual Information Form, page 61 – reported March 26, 2021
KL Bridge
49 claims – 1,481 ha
The KL Bridge claim group was staked in the fall of 2022 to connect KLDC’s KLW and KLC land packages. This bridge of claims allows the company to pass assessment credits from anywhere work is completed on the Company’s property facilitating property administration.
Lucky Strike
Lucky Strike is located within the western Abitibi Greenstone Belt whose rocks have undergone a complex sequence of deformation events ranging from early folding and faulting to ductile shearing resulting in the development of two large, dominantly east-west trending, steeply dipping crustal deformation corridors (“breaks”); the regional Destor-Porcupine Deformation Zone to the north and the regional Larder Lake-Cadillac Deformation Zone (LLDCZ), approximately 5kms to the south of the southern-most boundary of the Lucky Strike Project. Two regional structures, the Misema-Mist Lake Fault, and the Mulven-Kinabik Lake Fault trend across the Lucky Strike Project in an east-northeast orientation. The Misema-Mist Lake Fault and the Mulven-Kinabik Lake Fault are speculated to be the continuation of the Kirkland Lake Main Break which controls the gold mineralization within the seven historic mines of the Kirkland Lake Gold Camp approximately 16km to the west-southwest of the western-most boundary of the Project. Past gold production in the Kirkland-Larder Lake area has exceeded 75 million ounces. The Kirkland Lake Main Break itself is considered a splay structure off the LLDCZ. The Lucky Strike Project hosts ~19km of strike length of the Mulven-Kinabik Lake Fault and ~10km of strike length of the Misema-Mist Lake Fault and considered prime targets for future exploration efforts on the Project.
The Project area is underlain by a succession of Archean volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Blake River assemblages and later intrusives and dikes:
70% - Upper Blake River: 2701- 2696 Ma; Felsic to intermediate metavolcanic calc-alkaline basaltic, dacitic, and andesitic flows, tuffs, and breccias with some areas underlain by bimodal tholeiitic basalt and rhyolite. Mostly covering the north and east of the Project.
20% - Lower Blake River: 2704-2701 Ma, Tholeiitic mafic to intermediate metavolcanics with lesser amounts felsic volcanic rocks and turbiditic sedimentary rocks. Basaltic and andesitic flows, tuffs, breccias, chert, iron formation, minor metasedimentary and intrusive rocks and related migmatites. Mostly covering the southwest portion of the Project.
5% - Mafic and Ultramafic Intrusives; Gabbro, anorthosite, and ultramafic intrusive rocks. Mostly contained within the Upper Blake River assemblage or at the contact with the Lower Blake River.
4% - Timiskaming: 2676-2670 Ma; Syenite Intrusives +/- Porphyry: Diorite-Monzodiorite-Granodiorite Suite (saturated to oversaturated). Diorite, quartz diorite, minor tonalite, monzonite, granodiorite, syenite, mafic syenite and hypabyssal equivalents.
<1% - Matachewan Mafic Dikes (2454 Ma) and Sudbury Diabase Dikes (1235-1238 Ma): Youngest rocks exposed on the property striking north-northwest utilizing major structural contact boundaries and faults.
Gold (Cu-Pb-Zn) mineralization occurs in several localities throughout the Project. The veins can range from shallow dipping (between 30 and 55 degrees) possible extensional veins (Kerr North – Norwood) to near vertical “feeder” veins (Walsh/FP) or major structural “breaks” such as at Labyrinth, vary from several centimeters to tens of meters thick, and have associated pyritized, hematized, carbonatized, and epidotized syenite, mafic volcanic, or dioritic host wall rocks.
Known Areas of Interest on the property include:
Walsh Mine Area
Between 1924 and 1929 a two-compartment shaft was sunk to a depth of 157m and lateral development consisting of 915m on four (43m, 76m, 114m, and 152m) levels was carried out. No production records have been found in the historical record, however, in 1933, two ore samples, one 1.36 tonnes and the other 0.136 tonnes were shipped to the former Ontario Government Labs in Toronto for processing by Northern Metals Limited. The samples assayed 3.12 g/t Au and 53.01 g/t Au, respectively. Historic records indicates 26.1 g/t Au over 1.4m along a strike length of 22.9m over a stretch along one of the levels (level unknown). Surface grabs on the veins in 2021 assayed up to 65.5 g/t Au 63m southwest of the Walsh Shaft. Historic diamond drilling in 1986 and 2010-2012 included intersections up to 10.23 g/t Au over 3.0m which includes 40.3 g/t Au over 0.4m.
FP Zone
The FP Zone lies approximately one kilometre southeast of the Walsh Mine along the northwest-southeast trend of the mineralized Walsh veins and is currently defined by a single, high grade DDH intersection (AR-10-30) by Ateba Resources in 2010 of 6.71 g/t Au over 4.9m at a vertical depth of 195m. This intersection projects to a wide, altered, pyritic-ankerite zone on surface outlined by a large trench completed in 2018. Pyritic alteration zones along with quartz breccia contained fine visible gold. An IP survey by New Found Gold in 2017 shows a broad, high chargeability / low resistivity region corresponding to the surface mineralization suggesting the zone is much wider than surface mapping and prospecting would indicate. Composite channel sample assay highlights taken by New Found Gold in 2018 returned 81.02 g/t Au over 3.9m including 214.0 g/t Au over 1.0m.
Labrynthe Zone
The Labrynthe Zone was discovered by New Found Gold Corp during it’s 2021 Summer Mapping & Prospecting Program and subsequently stripped with a power excavator later that summer. The stripping program opened up a zone of intense deformation, ankeritic alteration, deformed and disrupted quartz veins and abundant fine pyrite mineralization over a strike length of 167 m with widths up 8.0m. This zone is interpreted as being the surface expression of the regional Mulven Break. Channel samples up to 2.7 g/t Au over 1.2m was returned in channel sampling of the stripped area. Seven drill holes targeted this zone in New Found Gold Corp’s 2022 Winter Drill Program with highlights including a 0.62 g/t Au over 17.45m (includes 3.27 g/t Au over 0.40m) and 1.17 g/t Au over 11.40m (includes 4.90 g/t Au over 0.20m) intersections.